lately, many of these lovely bodies have injured themselves (although not in yoga class), and so collaboratively we work to open and mend the bound or torn bits of ourselves. i especially like to talk with students about what they are discovering about their bodies, and their more subtle habits that may underly their injuries.
i wonder, are these issues really "age related" as we are often led to believe? although there's something to that, it seems that "old age" (limited strength, mobility, general physical decline) begins to set in most acutely after we are forced to suspend "youthful" activities because we have injured ourselves. and then once we are forced to slow down to recover, we often are unable to get back to the pre-injury health or fitness level. add another injury, and it's nearly impossible for many to make a full recovery.
is it possible that if we moved as mindfully off our yoga mats as we do on them, that many of these injuries could be avoided? i know this is true for me. the last time i injured myself, i was so wrapped up in some inner dialog in my head, i was completely disconnected from my physical body. i don't believe injuries or accidents are strictly random. if we live out of balance long enough, something's bound to happen. we are given "a wake up call."
using injuries (and even illnesses) as opportunities to remember how to listen to our bodies and reconnect with our deepest, most centered, present selves is the very best we can lessen the chance that we will need another "wake up call."
to move mindfully on the mat and in the world is to honor these marvelous vehicles we call bodies. and the more we can honor and care for them, the better they will serve us and allow us to serve our purpose in the world.